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let's make a difference today

become a volunteer

Join us in making a lasting impact by becoming a volunteer. Whether you’re passionate about mentoring youth, supporting community events, or lending your skills behind the scenes, your time and effort can help change lives. Together, we can create a brighter future for those in need.

Donate to support

Your generosity fuels our mission. By donating, you help us provide essential resources, education, and support to communities in need. Every dollar makes a difference and brings us closer to a world where justice, equality, and opportunity are available to all.

become a partner

Partner with us to amplify our impact. Whether you’re a business, organization, or individual looking to collaborate, together we can expand our reach and create sustainable change. Partnering with WEJ Foundation allows you to make a direct contribution to improving lives and strengthening communities.

call to action

Fundraising For The People And Causes You Care About

    meet our team

    We are Stronger Together!

    Chevonna Johnson
    Chevonna Johnson, CEO

    get involved

    Help Us Change the Future!